


It’s been said by students, faculty and alumni that there’s something special about Lenoir-Rhyne. 给未来的熊, a campus tour delivers that feeling of excitement and a rite of passage for a prospective student.

帮助这些访问转变和难忘的是杰出的熊, 也被称为bod. 近二十年来, students who serve as BoDs have been the face of the university and an authentic voice for prospective students.

“虽然同比, 董事会是一小群个人, 他们对劳氏的影响是巨大的,本科招生顾问萨拉·霍勒说. “他们是否在校园参观中与未来的学生建立关系, 参与熊的回馈活动, LR的年度捐赠日, 或担任学生会成员, 全球网赌十大网站的杰出熊不仅是招生办公室的重要组成部分, 但他们也是整个LR校园不可或缺的参与者.”


熊的区别, 成立于2004年, were initially formed to create a bond between current students and Lenoir-Rhyne alumni. 培养自豪感和LR传统, 他们与校友会紧密合作,提高学生的参与度. Perrell D. 贝斯06年是首任董事,并珍惜他的经验.


“That role bridged the gap between the students and the alumni that were returning to visit the campus,贝丝说。. “这对拓展人脉很有帮助,因为他们拥有丰富的知识和人脉.”

从贝丝的经历中得到的好处今天仍然一样. 除了网络之外, he learned public speaking and how to navigate conversations between different generations.

区分熊是勒努瓦-莱恩的脸. These students are incredibly involved, 思想开放,渴望与他人分享他们的LR旅行.


“如果合适的学生是杰出的熊,并且喜欢勒努瓦-莱恩, they’re the first faces that prospective students and their parents see and genuinely influence their decision,贝丝补充道.

今天, LR的校园占地56英亩, which limits what prospective students and visitors can see and do in just over an hour. 徒步旅行是循环的.25英里穿过校园斯台普斯-克罗默中心,卡尔A. Rudisill图书馆和Daniel E. 雷恩大楼,还有一个学生宿舍和几栋教学楼. 参观期间, 校长们通过展示学术来宣传大学, student life and residence life to between 500 and 600 prospective students and family members each year.

4月和秋季是旅游最繁忙的月份, 招生办公室全年提供校园参观. 在家庭和招生顾问会面之后, prospective students are often matched with tour guides with similar interests to create a sense of belonging at LR from the first moments on campus. 尽管董事们——训练有素的本科生——需要谈话要点, they are encouraged to improvise and add personal conversations to make the experience more meaningful.


“杰出熊是勒努瓦-雷恩的脸,”霍勒说. “这些学生非常投入, 思想开放,渴望与他人分享他们的LR旅行. 而全球网赌十大网站的招生顾问与未来的学生建立了牢固的关系, 董事会是巩固这种关系的人. 未来的学生希望听到同龄人的意见. 学生们在旅游时往往会变得更加放松, 和全球网赌十大网站的校长聊天可以帮助缓解找大学过程中的紧张情绪.”

除了提供校园参观外,BoDS还被分配了各种任务. 例如, they assist in the execution of all undergraduate admission events throughout the year, 包括活动前的准备工作. 他们还支持招生办公室的社交媒体团队, 提供创造性的想法,以数字方式与未来的学生互动.


每年都有几十名学生面试BoD职位, 每年约有20人担任该校的大使. Those who serve in the role are tasked with telling the complex story of Lenoir-Rhyne, 过去和现在.

作为导游, LR’s BoDs are some of the most candid authorities that prospective students and visitors will meet on campus. A good tour isn’t so much the definitive story of Lenoir-Rhyne as the personal story of a Lenoir-Rhyne student. 和所有LR学生一样, these BoDs are eagerly enmeshed in this dynamic campus community and call upon their own student experiences to give visitors a taste of life at LR.

Discovering her abilities outside her comfort zone has been one of the best aspects of the BoD experience for Natalie 哈斯 ’25, 运动科学与体育管理专业.

“Being a BoD opens up a new part of yourself that helps you discover more about yourself,” said 哈斯. “I am quiet and nervous, but it’s helping me open up and be more comfortable to show others who I am.”

哈斯, LR精神团队成员和学者项目成员, 她认为这些经历塑造了她作为董事的角色.

“我以多种方式代表LR,”哈斯说. “我是未来学生最先看到的人之一, so I shine a light on what makes LR special and share how I know I made the right decision to come here.”

Ian Campbell ’23, a history major, embraces the BoD opportunity to develop himself professionally.

坎贝尔说:“作为董事,我首先是一个友好的面孔. “在活动期间和参观期间, I’m an anchor that students can tie themselves to since this is a very different experience for them. 我向他们展示了在勒努瓦-莱恩的家庭体验.”

每个BoD都有责任了解勒努瓦-雷恩的重要细节. 除了, they take mock tours with more seasoned BoDs to allow the veteran BoDs to train the younger BoDs. 每年, 所有董事都参加秋季和春季的务虚会以及定期的员工会议, 学习新的和更新的信息.


尽管自董事会首次亮相以来,该机构已经发生了变化, 他们对大学的价值是不可估量的.

“Our BoD team learns typical skills you want a student to learn in any position that they can carry with them following graduation,霍勒说。. “除了, I hope they learn and truly know how much of a difference they make in the lives of the prospective students. 参观校园的学生都很紧张, 这对任何人来说都是一个巨大的变化, but they truly remember and look to their tour guides during their time on campus for guidance. 学生们记得他们的校园参观经历, 在大多数情况下, their conversations and interactions with their tour guides are a major factor in deciding where their home will be for the next four years.”

Bethany Perry和Diego Sanjuan

受到她在LR的校园参观经历的影响, Bethany Perry, 24岁, 生物学专业, 她喜欢与人交往,她说她两年的经历非常特别.

佩里说:“我有学习和成长的能力,并能担任领导职务. “The experience has also given me an opportunity to create a family by interacting with other BoDs. I think the value of being a BoD is the community aspect because I get to draw people in and make them feel like LR is their home.”

Contributing to that sense of home on campus extends beyond the tour, according to Campbell. “当我在校园里四处走动的时候, I always make sure to greet people because it’s important to get to know the people you see every day.”

处于领导地位的, 生物化学专业的Diego Sanjuan帮助监督培训, 组织务虚会并领导某些录取活动. 他称自己作为董事的经历是一种变革.

“The value is building connections with students who are looking for a place to belong, 一个学习的地方, 成长,”桑娟说。. “I think that it’s a privilege for us to be at the front line and to help prospective students realize and find themselves in a community that they can relate to and belong to.”

除了 to their role in forming the sense of community so integral to the LR experience, Campbell shared how the BoDs often serve as a go-to resource for a range of other campus needs.

全球网赌十大网站是校园里的常客. 有时全球网赌十大网站是导游,帮忙办理入场手续, 但全球网赌十大网站也是随时待命的人,随时准备接听任何电话. 例如, if different departments need an extra person to help with an event or if an interviewer needs to talk to a student representative — there’s always a BoD available to help with anything someone needs.”

佩里强调了董事会作为非正式校园领袖的作用. “有时候全球网赌十大网站会做一些促销活动,比如Q&As for social media posts — to get engagement not just from prospective students but the campus as a whole. 全球网赌十大网站举办像奖学金日这样的大型活动. In admissions, we want to get people excited about LR, and we want them to stay excited.”

坎贝尔总结了他对董事会经历的完美描述. “As a BoD, I’ve gained valuable skills helping students transition from high school to adulthood. 我喜欢成为杰出之熊,因为我代表着比我更重要的东西.” 




感谢校友们的支持, 家人和朋友, Lenoir-Rhyne University celebrated the end of another successful fiscal year on May 31, 2024.
